Wednesday, April 17, 2019


The 1965 Club (hosted by Simon and Kaggsy) starts next week and I've pulled a few candidates off the shelf:

(Marguerite Young's Miss MacIntosh, My Darling has quietly returned to the shelf...I would have had to start it already.)

I'm particularly keen to read the James Ngugi (now known by the more authentically Gikuyu version of his name, Ngugi wa Thiong'o.) I read his Wizard of the Crow a couple of years ago and quite liked it.

The bottom volume (a little hard to make out) is The Far Side of the Dollar, a Lew Archer mystery by Ross MacDonald. I think of early to mid 60s as the strongest period of Archer mysteries, and it's one I haven't read in a while.

John Fowles' The Magus is the largest volume in that pile. But it's still much smaller than Marguerite Young!

Christie's At Bertram's Hotel, Lem's The Cyberiad, and Tom Wolfe's The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby round off the pile.

Via Brona's I also realized that Fox in Socks was a 1965 book. Oh, if only I hadn't given away my childhood books...

Or I could (re-)read this:

Thanks to Kaggsy and Simon for hosting!

Links to what I actually did read will (in time) appear here:

Plus I featured an Elizabeth Bishop poem from her book of 1965, 'Manners, for a child of 1918.'


  1. Interesting selection! The only one I've read is the Christie. That Wolfe title is very unusual!

    1. I think that's his first book. Although I'm not a huge fan of Wolfe, I suspect this one would feel very 60s.

  2. A nice pile to choose from! I've read the Christie and the Lem, and possibly the Wolfe back in the day! Look forward to hearing about your reading! :D


    1. Thanks!

      I've read the Lem before too, but I feel like I've been reading about Lem lately & thinking about rereading some of them again. I remember The Cyberiad very fondly.

  3. Poor Miss Mac. It's just too much for a single year! (We're reading totally different books: yay!)

    1. Yes, it would be fun, but it is a commitment & just wasn't happening at the moment.
