- Akhmatova, Anna
- Aleichem, Sholem
- Alexis, Andre
- Algren, Nelson
- Allingham, Margery
- Ambler, Eric
- Amis, Martin
- Andrić, Ivo
- Archilochos
- Arendt, Hannah
- Ariosto, Ludovico
- Athitakis, Mark
- Atwood, Margaret
- Aubrey, John
- Auden, W. H.
- Ausonius
- Austen, Jane
- Baer, Marc David
- Bailey, H. C.
- Baker, Dorothy
- Baldwin, James
- Balzac, Honoré
- Barbery, Muriel
- Bates, Ronald
- Baum, Vicki
- Belloc, Hilaire
- Bellow, Saul
- Berlin, Isaiah
- Bespaloff, Rachel
- Bentley, E. C.
- Bioy Casares, Adolfo
- Bishop, Elizabeth
- Blais, François
- Boyagoda, Randy
- Brandes, Georg
- Brett, Simon
- Briggs, Kate
- Broch, Hermann
- Brooks, Gwendolyn
- Budiansky, Stephen
- Bulgakov, Mikhail
- Butler, Samuel
- Calinescu, Matei
- Calvino, Italo
- Campion, Thomas
- Čapek, Karel
- Caragiale, Mateiu
- Carr, John Dickson
- Carlyle, Thomas
- Carrère, Emmanuel
- Carrión, Jorge
- Carter, Zachary
- Carterescu, Mircea
- Cather, Willa
- Catton, Eleanor
- Cavafy, C. P.
- Chandler, Raymond
- Chang, Eileen
- Charteris, Leslie
- Chesterton, G. K.
- Christie, Agatha
- Churchill, Winston
- Cicero, Marcus Tullius
- Cioran, E. M.
- Clark, Brooke
- Clarke, Susanna
- Clough, Arthur Hugh
- Cohen, Matt
- Cole, Teju
- Coluccio, Pino
- Comnena, Anna
- Cope, Wendy
- Coulter, Myrl
- Cornford, John
- Crashaw, Richard
- Crispin, Edmund
- cummings, e. e.
- Davenport, Guy
- Day-Lewis, Cecil
- de Dia, Beatritz
- Delbanco, Andrew
- de Unamuno, Miguel
- Desani, G. V.
- Deverell, William
- Diaz, Hernan
- Dick, Philip K.
- Dickens, Charles
- Dickenson, Emily
- Diderot, Denis
- di Lampedusa, Giuseppe
- Disch, Thomas
- Dillon, Brian
- Doolittle, Hilda (H.D.)
- Dos Passos, John
- Douglass, Frederick
- Doyle, Arthur Conan
- Dralyuk, Boris
- du Bellay, Joachim
- du Maurier, Daphne
- Dunn, Douglas
- Durrell, Lawrence
- Eça de Queirós, José Maria
- Egan, Jennifer
- Elias, David
- Eliot, George
- Énard, Mathias
- Ernest, Phillip
- Erpenbeck, Jenny
- Euripides
- Ewart, Gavin
- Farkas, Endre
- Faulkner, William
- Fitts, Dudley
- Fitzgerald, Edward
- Fitzgerald, F. Scott
- Fitzgerald, Robert
- Fitzgerald, Penelope
- Flood, Joan
- Forster, E. M.
- Fowles, John
- Frost, Robert
- Galsworthy, John
- Garcia Marquez, Gabriel
- Gardner, Erle Stanley
- Geisel, Theodor Seuss
- Gerwarth, Robert
- Geuss, Raymond
- Gibson, Graeme
- Gilbert, Jack
- Ginsberg, Allen
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
- Goldsmith, Oliver
- Goliger, Gabriella
- Gospodinov, Georgi
- Graham, Randal
- Greeley, Andrew
- Greene, Graham
- Greenwood, Kerry
- Gruen, Victor
- Gunn, Thom
- Guo, Xiaolu
- Hafez
- Hamby, Barbara
- Haratischvili, Nina
- Hardy, Thomas
- Hare, M. E.
- Hass, Robert
- Hayes, Kevin J.
- Hayter, Sparkle
- Hazzard, Shirley
- Heaney, Seamus
- Hecht, Anthony
- Heine, Heinrich
- Heinlein, Robert
- Herbert, George
- Herbert, Zbigniew
- Hermes, Will
- Herrick, Robert
- Hersey, John
- Hesse, Hermann
- Heyer, Georgette
- Hibbert, Christopher
- Hickey, Emily Henrietta
- Highet, Gilbert
- Hillerman, Tony
- Himes, Chester
- Homer
- Hood, Thomas
- Household, Geoffrey
- Howard, Richard
- Huneker, James Gibbon
- Ibsen, Henrik
- Innes, Michael
- Ionesco, Eugene
- Irving, Washington
- James, Clive
- James, Henry
- Jemisin, N. K.
- Jeffers, Robinson
- Joyce, James
- Kabir
- Kadare, Ismail
- Kanigel, Robert
- Kavanagh, Patrick
- Kay, Guy Gavriel
- Kawabata, Yasunari
- Keene, Carolyn
- Keynes, John Maynard
- Khan, Vaseem
- Khatun, Jahan Malek
- Khayyam, Omar
- Kinney, Anne-Marie
- King, C. Daly
- King, Charles
- Kipling, Rudyard
- Knox, Msgr. Ronald A.
- Kurkov, Andrey
- La Rochefoucauld
- Lacey, Catherine
- Lathen, Emma
- Laxness, Halldor
- Lazarus, Emma
- Lem, Stanislaw
- Lerner, Ben
- Levi, Carlo
- Lewis, C. S.
- Lindsay, Vachel
- Longus
- Lord, Albert
- Lowry, Malcolm
- Luiselli, Valerie
- Lutes, Jason
- Macdonald, Ross
- MacInnes, Helen
- Magris, Claudio
- Majdumar, Megha
- Makkai, Rebecca
- Mandelstam, Osip
- Mann, Thomas
- Manning, Olivia
- Manzoni, Alessandro
- Marquand, John P.
- Marquis, Don
- Marsh, Ngaio
- Maugham, W. Somerset
- Masson, Cynthea
- May, Rollo
- McBain, Ed
- McCarthy, Mary
- Melville, Herman
- Menashe, Samuel
- Mendoza, Eduardo
- Merwin, W. S.
- Mew, Charlotte
- Mill, J. S.
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent
- Mimnermus
- Mitchell, Gladys
- Modiano, Patrick
- Moorcock, Michael
- Moore, Brian
- Moore, Marianne
- Morrison, Toni
- Moser, Benjamin
- Moyes, Patricia
- Müller, Herta
- Munro, Alice
- Murray, Les
- Nagendra, Harini
- Narayan, R. K.
- Nash, Ogden
- Nason, Jim
- Ngugi, James
- Nietzsche, Friedrich
- Nooteboom, Cees
- Norbu, Jamyang
- Nors, Dorthe
- Nothomb, Amélie
- Ocampo, Silvina
- O'Brien, Kate
- O'Hara, John
- Oldys, William
- Olson, Charles
- Orwell, George
- Owen, Wilfrid
- Paretsky, Sara
- Parker, Dorothy
- Parry, Milman
- Pasternak, Boris
- Peake, Mervyn
- Peck, Winifred
- Pekić, Borislav
- Pessl, Marisha
- Pessoa, Fernando
- Peters, Ellis
- Petrarch
- Petronius, Gaius (well, probably Gaius...)
- Philbrick, Nathaniel
- Plath, Sylvia
- Plokhy, Serhii
- Plutarch
- Pontoppidan, Henrik
- Postman, Neil
- Pound, Ezra
- Powers, J. F.
- Pratchett, Terry
- Preston, Keith
- Propertius
- Punshon, E. R.
- Pyle, Howard
- Pynchon, Thomas
- Queen, Ellery
- Reynolds, Quentin
- Robinson, Peter
- Roethke, Theodore
- Rolland, Romain
- Ross, Alex
- Royko, Mike
- Russell, Bertrand
- Said, Kurban
- Sandburg, Carl
- Santayana, George
- Sassoon, Siegfried
- Schmidt, Paul
- Schnitzler, Arthur
- Scholem, Gershom
- Schwartz, Delmore
- Scott, Paul
- Scott, Sir Walter
- Sebald, W. G.
- Seghers, Anna
- Seneca (Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger)
- Seth, Vikram
- Dr. Seuss
- Shadmi, Koren
- Shapiro, Karl
- Shaw, George Bernard
- Shakespeare, William
- Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
- Shields, Carol
- Shields, David
- Sheard, Virna
- Sholem Aleichem
- Sienkiewicz, Henryk
- Siré, Cora
- Sill, Edward Roland
- Simic, Charles
- Singer, Isaac Bashevis
- Skvorecky, Josef
- Slavitt, David
- Smart, Elizabeth
- Smil, Vaclav
- Smith, Stevie
- Smith, Susanna M.
- Smith, Zadie
- Sontag, Susan
- Stallings, A. E.
- Stanislavski, Konstantin
- Starbuck, George
- Steele, Timothy
- Stevenson, Robert Louis
- Stiefel, Barry
- Stoker, Bram
- Stout, Rex
- Strube, Cordelia
- Suckling, Sir John
- Swift, Jonathan
- Symons, Julian
- Szymborska, Wislawa
- Tabucchi, Antonio
- Tacitus
- Taylor, Elizabeth
- Tey, Josephine
- Thomas, R. S.
- Tolkien, J. R. R.
- Tokarczuk, Olga
- Tomaselli, Sylvana
- Toomer, Jean
- Tsvetaeva, Marina
- Tuchman, Barbara
- Twain, Mark
- Uglow, Jennifer
- Ugresic, Dubravka
- van der Wettering, Jan
- Van Dine, S. S.
- Verne, Jules
- Vigée-Lebrun, Elisabeth
- Virgil
- von Doderer, Heimito
- wa Thiong'o, Ngugi
- Warner, Sylvia Townsend
- Weil, Simone
- Wentworth, Patricia
- Wharton, Edith
- Whyte, Ewan
- Wilbur, Richard
- Wilde, Oscar
- Wilson, Angus
- Wilson, Edmund
- Wilson, Ethel
- Wilson, Emily
- Wisniewski, Mary
- Wood, R. W.
- Woolf, Virginia
- Wollstonecraft, Mary
- Wood, Jeff
- Wright, Judith
- Wright, L. R.
- Wulf, Andrea
- Wyatt, Thomas
- Wyke-Smith, E. A.
- Yeats, W. B.
- Yourcenar, Marguerite
- Zamyatin, Yevgeny
- Zangwill, Israel
- Zelazny, Roger
- Zhadan, Serhiy
- Zweig, Stefan
- Burgess' Best Novels 1939 to 1983 (Burgess' list here.)
- CanLit
- Chicago
- Dean Street Press
- Haycraft-Queen Cornerstones of Mystery (list found here)
- Modern Library 100 Best Novels, 20th Century
- Modern Library 100 Best Non-Fiction Books, 20th Century
- National Book Award for Fiction
- New Release
- New York Review Books
- Nobel Laureate
- Nobelabile
- Poem for a Thursday
- Project Gutenberg
- Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
- Ruritanian Romances
- Small Press
- Ukraine
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