Sunday, June 25, 2023

Sunday Salon


The Salonnière invites you...


I read Harini Nagendra's first mystery The Bangalore Detectives Club. Pretty fun! The characters were charming (except for the villains, of course...) and the setting was fascinating: 1920s Bangalore (Bangaluru). I'll read the next when my library gets it. (They're on order.)

Earlier this week on the blog a review of Eleanor Catton's Birnam Wood. Enjoyable, though I still prefer The Luminaries.

A selection of rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam in the famous translation of Edward FitzGerald.

And another mystery, the classic The Daughter of Time by Josephine Tey.

On The Stack

Let's take it from the top. That's:

Billy the Bunny.

Happy are the Clean of Heart, a Fr. Blackie Ryan mystery that I started while I had to wait around somewhere and should finish soon.

John McGahern's Amongst Women. A book I was going to read before our trip to Ireland, but it didn't get here in time. It's supposed to be a classic and so far I kind of think it is.

No progress whatsoever on James Baldwin's Notes of a Native Son... 😉

But some progress on Barbara Hamby's On The Street of Divine Love.

The library also delivered Georgi Gospodinov's Time Shelter. It won the Booker International this year and there's no way I'll be able to renew it, so it needs to happen in the next couple of weeks. I've liked the others by him I've read. That will be Bulgaria for this year's European Reading Challenge.


It's strawberry season here!

How was your week?


  1. I've been very curious about the Eleanor Catton books. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but I probably will pass on it.

    The Bangalore Detectives Club sounds fun, and Billy the Bunny is keeping tabs on a nice stack of other books for you. I especially hope you get started on the James Baldwin book soon.

  2. Billy the Bunny!!! How cute! Did you make him?

    And what is that??? Strawberries and whipped cream? Anything else in that dish? Yum!!!

    1. My mom's handiwork. I can cook, but I never got the knitting or sewing or anything...

    2. Oh, yes, a little lemon juice and sugar and that's it. Keep it simple!

  3. I have been hearing only good things about The Bangalore Detectives Club. I must get a copy.

    1. It's a good one. Not the most mysterious mystery for veteran mystery readers, but definitely fun.

  4. I still want to read The Luminaries, it's been on my list for a long time. Hooray for strawberry season... I love them, too! Hope you have a good week.

  5. Glad to hear you liked The Bangalore Detectives Club. I've got that one on my TBR list. And I have a small strawberry patch in my backyard that's been producing some small but yummy berries. Enough to even make jam! :D

    1. Strawberries in the back yard--that's fun. I planted some at one point, but it's too shady. Those are from the farmer's market.

  6. We only had local strawberries once this year.Sad! You did better.
    best, mae at

    1. I'll go to the farmer's market again this afternoon and they'd better have more! is all I'm sayin'... ;-)
