Tuesday, January 16, 2024

European Reading Challenge 2024 Signup


Time to sign up for the new year for Gilion's European Reading Challenge. The idea is to visit European countries by reading books set there. It's one of my favorite challenges and I'll again be signing up at the maximum, five-star level, which means five unique European countries, but I hope to do better than that again. No idea what countries I'll be visiting or via which books I'll be visiting them, but I do know that the first this year will be Austria because I only have a few pages left in Stephen Budiansky's biography of Kurt Gödel.

While, as an Illinois native I'm happy to see its outline everywhere, it is a little surprising to see it just to the southwest of Iceland. (Though based on today's temperatures...) Does that mean I get to count that next Chicago book as part of my European tour? 😉

Thanks to Gilion for hosting this great challenge once again. Full details (and your chance to signup!) can be found here.


  1. I look forward to seeing what countries you travel to by book this year! :D

  2. I'm going to read a travel narrative about Alpine Italy by DH Lawrence and a Montalbano mystery set in Sicily. I hope the Challenge Police don't get me.
