Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mount TBR Checkpoint #1 (Mount Ararat)


I have read five books toward my challenge level of 48 books for the year. I am way behind. I was behind on my first checkpoint last year and made it up, but I had read more books toward a lower mountain. There is some work to do. I say to myself, well, I was travelling, or I say, hmmm, February has only 28 days, so it's the shortest quarter of the year. Sigh. I am not convinced.

I haven't got enough letters to make a decent Scrabble word, alas. As for characters, the narrator Amelie of Pétronille is looking for a friend to drink champagne with and is amusing, so she might be a pleasant enough character, but we're not talking Anna Karenina or Nero Wolfe.

None of the book covers was particularly good, however the cover of Martin Amis' Money was memorably bad:

The good folks at Penguin must have decided that Martin Amis' name was enough to sell the book and so it was, I guess, though I got it for $3 used.

Back to the books!

Thanks to Bev at My Reader's Block for hosting this challenge. (Even if I'm not keeping up my end!)

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