Sunday, July 30, 2023

Sunday Salon

Last Week

Two reviews on the blog: Robert Aickman's Go Back At Once and Olga Tokarczuk's The Books of Jacob. I finished Ivo Andrić's Omer Pasha Latas, but haven't yet reviewed it. But I will! Because it will cover Bosnia for the European Reading Challenge.


Somebody might have gone a little mad at the farmer's market fruit stand last week. (Plums, peaches, raspberries, watermelon!) We already had cherries, so something needed to be done with those:

And there were still strawberries available:

The arugula comes from the garden, and this is where I use that bottle of amazing aged balsamic vinegar we brought back from Italy. More of the same tonight. Darn!

Paris In July almost over. But I'm in the middle of one more book. Will it be finished in time? The race is on. Watch this space...

Hope you had a great week!


  1. Food looks dee-lish, and would that be a Fiestaware plate?

    1. It is! Aren't they fun--that's our regular dishware in a bunch of colors.

  2. How can you help but go a little mad at the farmer's market stands? So much abundance. Glad to see it is not all going to waste.

    I hope to read one more Paris in July book today. I don't think I'll have any problem finishing it. It's a picture book.

    1. It seemed silly but I know in January I'll wish I'd eaten even more good fruit!

  3. Looking forward to your review of Ivo Andrić's book. By this author, I have only read The Bridge on the Drina
