Friday, October 13, 2023

Classics Club Spin #35

It's time for the new Classics Club Spin. The full rules are here, but you know all that, so let's go straight to the list of books!

1.) Virginia Woolf/The Waves
2.) Boccaccio/The Decameron
3.) John Ruskin/Unto This Last
4.) Dee Brown/Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
5.) Machado de Assis/The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas
6.) Ivan Goncharov/Oblomov
7.) Harry Mark Petrakis/A Dream of Kings
8.) R. L. Stevenson/An Inland Voyage
9.) Emile Gaboriau/The Lerouge Case
10.) E. Philips Oppenheim/The Great Impersonation
11.) R. Austin Freeman/The Red Thumb Mark
12.) W. E. B. Du Bois/Autobiography
13.) Knut Hamsun/Hunger
14.) Camoens/The Lusiads
15.) Benito Pérez Galdós/That Bringas Woman
16.) Isaac Bashevis Singer/The Slave
17.) Apollonius Rhodius/Argonautica
18.) Mikhail Bulgakov/The Heart of a Dog
19.) Halldor Laxness/The Fish Can Sing
20.) Eudora Welty/Delta Wedding

Which look good to you? Sunday reveals all!

What will chance bring? meditates Erechtheum the Owl...


  1. The only one of these that I've read is The Waves by Virginia Woolf. And it took me awhile to get into her stream of consciousness writing in that one. But once I did I kind of liked it. Happy spinning!

  2. I have only read 3. The Heart of a Dog is totally insane, AND really good!!

    1. I read the Master & Margarita for the first time recently and was amazed.

  3. I have never read anything by Eudora Welty, so I hope you'll get Delta Wedding.

    1. I've read a couple of others by her. She's good!

  4. Oh, there it is! The Decameron. One day, right? I'm drawn to The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas, Oblomov, The Slave, Argonautica and Heart of a Dog. Which will it be ?????

    1. One of these days I'm going to read the Decameron--one of the last lingering books from that original classics club list. Really!

      I've started The Slave, which is also a 1962 book.

  5. The Decameron. Read it a few decades ago, in French, loved it!

  6. The Decameron! I hope you like bawdy stories about naughty priests. :D

    1. Waal...I suppose I can manage a few of those at least... ;-)
