Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sunday Salon (Now With Colourful Umbrellas!)


Malahide Castle Library, Ireland, a small salon

On The Blog

I reread Rudyard Kipling's Kim after starting Jamyang Norbu's The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes, which steals a character from Kim. Both were pretty entertaining, and I wrote about it here. Then I signed up for the 20 Books Of Summer challenge hosted at 746 Books and the Big Book Summer Read hosted by Book by Book.


I saw Rebecca Makkai in an interview at the Toronto Public Library's Appel Salon series. It made me put a hold on her new book I Have Some Questions For You, a sort-of cold case mystery. I am currently number 462 out of 490 on the hold list, so it won't be anytime soon... (They did buy a hundred copies of the book.)

Around Town

There were these colourful umbrellas not so far from our house. It was part of a promotion for skin cancer awareness. If it had been a sunnier day, it might have been a nicer photo, but the overcast sky was better for bike-riding.


I had two cups of butternut squash puree in my freezer since I overdid it in the fall. It was time to do something with it:

We ate some of those ravioli that night and then I froze the rest. You can see I haven't exactly become professional at this... 😉 They're (umm) close to the same size? The preparation is a bit of a project, but then there are several easier meals afterwards.

Part of the reason to do something with it was that the sage in our herb garden is coming on strong:

A sage-brown butter sauce is my usual for these ravioli, though tomato cream works well, too. Our dinner tonight should look a lot like this:

probably with some roast asparagus on the side.

How was your week?


  1. Impressive that you make your own ravioli. Mine come from Trader Joe’s!
    best, mae at

    1. I don't always...but they are tasty when homemade.

  2. I'm planning to do the 20 Books of Summer Challenge and the Big Book Challenge this summer, too. I guess today is a good day to start.

    Homemade ravioli? And with butternut squash puree? It looks (and, I bet, it tastes) fantastic.

    1. I've gotten faster at making ravioli, and the homemade ones are pretty nice.

  3. I'm impressed that you even attempted homemade ravioli! And that Makkai book does sound like a good one. I've got it on my TBR list.

    1. The ravioli do get easier with practice... ;-)

  4. There are lots of fun umbrellas out there, aren't there? I came back with a very stylish cat once from an Italian trip.

  5. Your homemade ravioli are making me hungry! I love butternut squash, but have never attempted to make my own ravioli - bravo! The umbrella photo is so pretty, even without the sun. I'm about to start reading Lonesome Dove, so should probably sign up for the Big Books challenge...

    1. The ravioli are my favorite thing to do with butternut squash, though, of course, baking them & grabbing a spoon is pretty good, too!

      Ooh, I'll look for what you think of Lonesome Dove.

  6. Your meal looks delicious!
    I liked I Have Some Questions For You, I hope you do too

    Wishing you a happy reading week

    1. Good to hear about Some Questions. I won't find out soon, I'm afraid...
