Classics Club List

This is my first list of fifty books for the Classics Club. I signed up with a slightly different version of this list on November 22, 2017.

English Language Fiction

1.) Margaret Atwood/The Handmaid's Tale
2.) James Baldwin/Giovanni's Room
3.) James Baldwin/Go Tell It On The Mountain
4.) Samuel Butler/The Way of All Flesh
5.) Willa Cather/A Lost Lady
6.) Willa Cather/One of Ours
7.) Daphne du Maurier/Rebecca
8.) George Eliot/Adam Bede
9.) George Eliot/Romola
10.) George Eliot/Scenes of Clerical Life
11.) George Eliot/Silas Marner
12.) William Faulkner/Light in August
13.) John Galsworthy/The Forsyte Saga
14.) Oliver Goldsmith/The Vicar of Wakefield
15.) Thomas Hardy/Wessex Tales
16.) Henry James/The American
17.) Henry James/The Wings of the Dove
18.) Malcolm Lowry/Under the Volcano
19.) W. Somerset Maugham/The Razor's Edge
20.) Toni Morrison/Song of Solomon
21.) Sylvia Plath/The Bell Jar
22.) J. F. Powers/Morte d'Urban
23.) Sir Walter Scott/Count Robert of Paris
24.) Robert Louis Stevenson/Black Arrow
25.) Bram Stoker/Dracula
26.) Edith Wharton/The Custom of the Country
27.) Edith Wharton/The House of Mirth
28.) Virginia Woolf/The Waves

Fiction in Translation

29.) Honoré de Balzac/Cousin Bette
30.) Giovanni Boccaccio/The Decameron
31.) Hermann Broch/The Death of Virgil
33.) Yasunari Kawabata/Snow Country
34.) Giuseppe di Lampedusa/The Leopard
35.) Romand Rolland/Jean-Christophe
36.) Henryk Sienkewicz/Quo Vadis
38.) Yevgeny Zamyatin/We


39.) James Baldwin/Notes of.a Native Son
40.) Frederick Douglass/Narrative of the Life
41.) Bertrand Russell/A History of Western Philosophy
42.) Barbara Tuchman/The Guns of August
43.) Mark Twain/A Tramp Abroad
44.) Edmund Wilson/Axel's Castle
45.) Edmund Wilson/Patriotic Gore
47.) Virginia Woolf/A Room of One's Own 


48.) George Bernard Shaw/Major Barbara (read)
49.) George Bernard Shaw/Pygmalion
50.) Richard Brinsley Sheridan/A School for Scandal

The original version of the list (found here) had fifty-five items on it, but in retrospect I decided that things that were too long or consisted of short pieces or poems weren't suitable for my blogging style and so I've cut them from the list

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