Saturday, July 20, 2024

Classics Club Spin #38


It's spin time! What you need to do to join in is here, but the main thing is a list of twenty books. I have only one book left on my original Classics Club list (George Bernard Shaw's Major Barbara, which I have read & I will blog about it soon! Really!) so these are all for a new, not-yet-drawn-up list.
I've organized them from the oldest to the newest:

1.) Apollonius Rhodius/Argonautica (3rd century BC)
2.) Lucan/On the Civil War (Pharsalia) (65 AD)
3.) Statius/Thebaid (90s AD)
4.) Luiz Vaz de Camões/The Lusiads (1572)
5.) John Ruskin/Unto This Last (1860) 
6.) Elizabeth Gaskell/Wives and Daughters (1864-1866)
7.) Robert Louis Stevenson/An Inland Voyage (1878)
8.) Machado de Assis/Memoirs of Brás Cubas (1881)
9.) Benito Pérez Galdós/That Bringas Woman (1884)
10.) Knut Hamsun/Hunger (1890)
11.) R. Austin Freeman/The Red Thumb Mark (1907)
12.) E. Philips Oppenheim/The Great Impersonation (1920)
13.) Andrei Bely/Petersburg (1922)
14.) Mikhail Bulgakov/Heart of a Dog (1925)
15.) Dawn Powell/A Time to be Born (1942)
16.) Eudora Welty/Delta Wedding (1946)
17.) Anna Seghers/The Seventh Cross (1942)
18.) Halldor Laxness/The Fish Can Sing (1957)
19.) Harry Mark Petrakis/A Dream of Kings (1966)
20.) Robert Pirsig/Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974)
Are you spinning this time round? 

Which have you read? Which look good to you?


  1. I always love your lists Reese for introducing me to 'new' classic authors and titles.

    1. More books to your TBR? My work here is done! ;-)

  2. I have Hunger on my longlist for the Classics Club, books I hope to eventually read.

    I took a deep breath when I saw ZAMM on your list. It's a beloved book, and I have spent most of my adult life talking to others about how much it changed my life. Not a single person IRL read the whole thing, and no one liked the parts of it they did read.

    1. I knew you liked the Pirsig and mostly I've only ever heard good things about it. Anyway, it's been on my shelf for years, and it would be a very good spin!

    2. I've got my fingers crossed for the Pirsig book then!

  3. I have never read anything by Eudora Welty and I feel like that's terrible considering I've lived my entire life in the American South!

    1. I've only read The Ponder Heart--the shortest!--but I liked it.

  4. I've wanted to read Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance for the longest time!

  5. Good to see you joined!
    I have only read 3 of your list, with #14 being a hilarious satire

    1. Heart of a Dog would be a good spin! I loved Master & Margarita.

  6. I have not read any from your list, but I'm intrigued! I need to make a note of some of the titles for future reference. I hope you get the book you most want to read. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm not entirely sure which that is... ;-) so the random number generator will have to solve that for me!

  7. I would say that I've really only read the Welty. But I read the Persig in high school (not sure that counts, not sure anything back then counted lol).

    1. I know: high school reads don't count. Would I still like those two Hemingways? I doubt it. I couldn't bear Moby Dick in high school, but now...
